Traditional Karate North Central Region

Regional Representative of the AAKF for clubs in Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota.

2021 December Traditional Karate North Central Region

Traditional Karate North Central Region Newsletter

Results from the Traditional Karate-do Academy at University of Minnesota Tournament

The Traditional Karate-do Academy at University of Minnesota held a tournament on November 6, 2021. This was Sensei Le’s first tournament for his club. It was great seeing University of Minnesota and the Wisconsin University clubs once again restart their karate tournaments. The COVID-19 pandemic put many events on hold. Restarting the tournaments and future in-person seminars will reinvigorate the enthusiasm for karate for our students and instructors.

The following are links to videos and photos from the tournament;

  •                TKA@UMN club website – click here
  •                TKA@UMN Facebook site – click here
  •                Additional (16) videos from Mark Abeln – click here

In 2022, we expect more tournaments, shias, seminars from Traditional Karate North Central Region (NCR), the American Armature Karate Federation, and the World Traditional Karate-do Federation (WTKF). Go to the NCR events calendar to see upcoming events in 2022.

Upcoming Calendar of Events and Registration

  • NCR 2024 plans
    • November 16th U of M Tournament. More details to follow.
    • November 23 Madison Tournament. More details to follow.
  • NCR 2025 plans
    • January 25, 2025 NCR/SKM winter Shiai at SKM. More details to follow.
    • March 1, 2025 NCR/SKM kata seminar at SKM. More details to follow.
    • March 29, 2025 NCR/SKM spring Shiai at SKM. More details to follow.
  • AAKF upcoming events:
    • 2025 – AAKF National Champtionships and International camp. Madison, WI More details to follow.

Click here to see past event videos and click here for past event photos from the NCR video and photo Library.  Click here for additional photos from the U of Mn club photo library.

Dan Examination Schedule

  • NCR and AAKF dan exam schedule
    • tbd
  • Dan examination testing requirements shodan-sandan – click here
  • Dan rank registration required when you pass your dan exam – click here

Upcoming Calendar of Events and Registration

  • NCR 2024 plans
    • November 16th U of M Tournament. More details to follow.
    • November 23 Madison Tournament. More details to follow.
  • NCR 2025 plans
    • January 25, 2025 NCR/SKM winter Shiai at SKM. More details to follow.
    • March 1, 2025 NCR/SKM kata seminar at SKM. More details to follow.
    • March 29, 2025 NCR/SKM spring Shiai at SKM. More details to follow.
  • AAKF upcoming events:
    • 2025 – AAKF National Champtionships and International camp. Madison, WI More details to follow.

Click here to see past event videos and click here for past event photos from the NCR video and photo Library.  Click here for additional photos from the U of Mn club photo library.

Dan Examination Schedule

  • NCR and AAKF dan exam schedule
    • tbd
  • Dan examination testing requirements shodan-sandan – click here
  • Dan rank registration required when you pass your dan exam – click here

Traditional Karate North Central Region Subscription

Art Wong – Traditional Karate North Central Region Director, Godan

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