Traditional Karate North Central Region

Regional Representative of the AAKF for clubs in Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota.

2021 June Traditional Karate North Central Region

Traditional Karate North Central Region Newsletter

AAKF 2021 Summer Seminar June 12, 2021

The third AAKF Zoom seminar (kumite) is scheduled for Saturday, June 12, 2021. The two 1-hour Zoom seminars will focus on kumite and begin at 11:00am central timeClick here for more details regarding the Zoom seminar topics, instructors, and dates/times. This is your opportunity to engage with the AAKF organization and fellow karatekas from around the US. Come learn and have fun! FYI-The final AAKF Zoom seminar is scheduled for July 10 , 2021.

AAKF Summer Instructor Program

The AAKF Technical Committee will be hosting a series of four instructor course sessions this summer via Zoom. The program is only open to instructors and assistant instructors in your club. The following is an email excerpt from Sensei Alex Tong, President of AAKF:

…The Technical Committee will host an online instructor course open to chief instructors and assistant instructors of member-clubs.  The sessions are intended to be interactive in nature.  We look forward to inputs from participating member instructors.  Four 2-hour Zoom sessions will be held on August 7, Sept 11, October 9 and November 13 at no costs to participants.    

A unified teaching framework on kata, kumite, and kihon will be formulated from these sessions, and made available to all participants.  There will also be a review of Japanese terminologies that are used in international championships.  These specified foundation concepts will stand as guidelines for good karate-do practice, also serving as reference information for candidates for Coach’s and/or Examiner certifications.  As usual, teaching instructors are free to add their personal insights when holding class…

If you are an instructor at your club and interested in attending, please contact Art Wong immediately so we can get you registered.

Apply karate to all things

Reflections by Bob Young, Nidan

Last month’s article looked at the Physical Elements of karate—how things are organized or interact. With that structure in mind, one can use the “karate lens” to help find solutions to life’s situations and challenges. The second article in this series will consider the Psychological Aspects of karate and how they can be applied outside of the dojo. Several key psychological karate principles are summarized below. Click here to read more.

Upcoming Calendar of Events and Registration

  • NCR 2024 plans
    • November 16th U of M Tournament. More details to follow.
    • November 23 Madison Tournament. More details to follow.
  • NCR 2025 plans
    • January 25, 2025 NCR/SKM winter Shiai at SKM. More details to follow.
    • March 1, 2025 NCR/SKM kata seminar at SKM. More details to follow.
    • March 29, 2025 NCR/SKM spring Shiai at SKM. More details to follow.
  • AAKF upcoming events:
    • 2025 – AAKF National Champtionships and International camp. Madison, WI More details to follow.

Click here to see past event videos and click here for past event photos from the NCR video and photo Library.  Click here for additional photos from the U of Mn club photo library.

Dan Examination Schedule

  • NCR and AAKF dan exam schedule
    • tbd
  • Dan examination testing requirements shodan-sandan – click here
  • Dan rank registration required when you pass your dan exam – click here

Upcoming Calendar of Events and Registration

  • NCR 2024 plans
    • November 16th U of M Tournament. More details to follow.
    • November 23 Madison Tournament. More details to follow.
  • NCR 2025 plans
    • January 25, 2025 NCR/SKM winter Shiai at SKM. More details to follow.
    • March 1, 2025 NCR/SKM kata seminar at SKM. More details to follow.
    • March 29, 2025 NCR/SKM spring Shiai at SKM. More details to follow.
  • AAKF upcoming events:
    • 2025 – AAKF National Champtionships and International camp. Madison, WI More details to follow.

Click here to see past event videos and click here for past event photos from the NCR video and photo Library.  Click here for additional photos from the U of Mn club photo library.

Dan Examination Schedule

  • NCR and AAKF dan exam schedule
    • tbd
  • Dan examination testing requirements shodan-sandan – click here
  • Dan rank registration required when you pass your dan exam – click here

Traditional Karate North Central Region Subscription

Art Wong – Traditional Karate North Central Region Director, Godan

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