Traditional Karate North Central Region

Regional Representative of the AAKF for clubs in Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota.

2023 September Traditional Karate North Central Region

Traditional Karate North Central Region Newsletter

NCR Fall Shiai – October 14, 2023

NCR is holding its annual fall shiai hosted at the SKM dojo on October 14, 2023 from noon-3pm

This is your opportunity test your skills with fellow karatekas form our region.  Use the fall shiai as a precursor to testing for your next kyu rank or dan rank.  You will get feedback, assess your skills, and it will help develop your karate way of life roadmap.

NCR judges will use the fall shiai event to help test and hone their judging skills for future regional, national and international tournaments.

Come and participate at the fall shiai and have fun cheering on your fellow karatekas.

WTKF 2023 PanAm Tournament

The WTKF 2023 Pan American Tournament which covers North America, South America and Central America will be held in Buenos Airess, Argentina on October 4 to 7, 2023.  NCR will sending three judges from our region – Al Kotula, Laurie, Elliott, and Mark Abeln will represent USA as one of the certified international judges. The event will include an international camp, judging seminar, youth competition and adult black belt PanAm championships.  Help support our fellow karatekas by donating to NCR to help offset their travel expenses. Click here for more details on the 2023 Pan-Am tournament.

Highlights from the Japanese Obon Festival at St. Paul

Como Park Zoo and Conservatory

Sensei Trung Le and his Traditional Karate-Do Academy at UMN Club gave two demonstrations at the Sunday Obon Festival on August 20, 2023.

Click here for more photos from the UofMn club Facebook site.  Click here for the Star Tribune article and photos.

Upcoming Calendar of Events and Registration

  • Upcoming events
    • tbd
  • NCR 2024 plans
    • October 19 NCR/SKM fall Shiai at SKM. More details to follow.
    • October 26 NCR/SKM Kumite seminar at SKM. More details to follow.
    • November 2nd Madison Tournament. More details to follow.
    • November 16th U of M Tournament. More details to follow.
  • NCR 2025 plans
    • January 25, 2025 NCR/SKM winter Shiai at SKM. More details to follow.
    • March 1, 2025 NCR/SKM kata seminar at SKM. More details to follow.
    • March 29, 2025 NCR/SKM spring Shiai at SKM. More details to follow.
  • AAKF upcoming events:
    • 2025 – AAKF National Champtionships and International camp. Madison, WI More details to follow.

Click here to see past event videos and click here for past event photos from the NCR video and photo Library.  Click here for additional photos from the U of Mn club photo library.

Dan Examination Schedule

  • NCR and AAKF dan exam schedule
    • tbd
  • Dan examination testing requirements shodan-sandan – click here
  • Dan rank registration required when you pass your dan exam – click here

Traditional Karate North Central Region Subscription

Art Wong – Traditional Karate North Central Region Director, Godan

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