Traditional Karate North Central Region

Regional Representative of the AAKF for clubs in Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota.

2022 December Traditional Karate North Central Region

Traditional Karate North Central Region Newsletter

Madison Tournament Highlights

On Saturday November 19, 2022, the Madison Japanese Karate Club held a karate tournament at West High School in Madison WI.  With help from his club officers, chief instructor Sensei Vassil Peytchev, did a fantastic job in running the tournament.  The tournament was well attended, (see photo below).  The judges insured the proper tournament procedures and rules were followed to minimize injuries while maintaining a budo spirit (fightung techniques and intention) throughout the tournament.  The students were enthusiastic and developed strong comradery throughout the tournament.

Congratulations to Jethro Harding from the SKM dojo in Mpls, MN for taking first place in both Men’s kata and Team kata.  The North Central Region (NCR) provided six certified AAKF judges to help with the Madison tournament, see photo below.  Congratulations to all the participants that medaled in their event.  A special thank you to the hosting club, students, and judges for putting on a successful and well attended tournament.

Click here to see more photos and videos.

2022 Nov 19 Madison Japense Karate Club Tournament in Madison, WI
NCR judges – Art Wong, Mark Abeln, Al Kotula, Laurie Elliot, Trung Le, Mike Ching
Jethro Harding First Place in both Men’s kata and Team kata

AAKF Annual Membership Renewal – March 1 Deadline

Individual AAKF membership expire March 1. If you renew your current membership before March 1, the cost is only $25. After March 1, your AAKF individual membership renewal is $35. For club renewal, the cost is $170.00. Check this out ->  Benefits of an AAKF membership.

Click here to access the AAKF registration form. Write a check following the instructions from your club’s sensei. Deliver your payment and registration form to your club’s sensei – he/she will then mail the documents to the AAKF organization. For club registration form, click here.

Upcoming Calendar of Events and Registration

  • NCR 2024 plans
    • November 16th U of M Tournament. More details to follow.
    • November 23 Madison Tournament. More details to follow.
  • NCR 2025 plans
    • January 25, 2025 NCR/SKM winter Shiai at SKM. More details to follow.
    • March 1, 2025 NCR/SKM kata seminar at SKM. More details to follow.
    • March 29, 2025 NCR/SKM spring Shiai at SKM. More details to follow.
  • AAKF upcoming events:
    • 2025 – AAKF National Champtionships and International camp. Madison, WI More details to follow.

Click here to see past event videos and click here for past event photos from the NCR video and photo Library.  Click here for additional photos from the U of Mn club photo library.

Dan Examination Schedule

  • NCR and AAKF dan exam schedule
    • tbd
  • Dan examination testing requirements shodan-sandan – click here
  • Dan rank registration required when you pass your dan exam – click here

Traditional Karate North Central Region Subscription

Art Wong – Traditional Karate North Central Region Director, Godan

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