Traditional Karate North Central Region Newsletter
WTKF New Announcements (new)
The World Traditional Karate-do Federation (WTKF) has announced several new, high-level promotions: “It is with great pleasure to announce the promotion of Dr. Włodzimierz Kwieciński to 9th Dan, Mahmoud Tabassi to 9th Dan, Nelson Carrion to 8th Dan, and Nilton Aurimar De Souza to 8th Dan.” Read more. Congratulations!
Take a moment to read the 2021 new year greeting from WTKF President Dr. Włodzimierz Kwieciński: “Dear WTKF Members: I would like to wish you all a very happy holiday season and a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year.” Read more.
A new book written by Albert Cheah Sensei “Karate-do: the Art Beyond Techniques”. Beyond the cliché of learning martial arts for fighting, self-defense, or competition, “Karate-do: the Art Beyond Techniques” takes the reader into understanding the etymology of budo, karate, and the significance of how training can be applied in daily routine. Read more. It is available for purchase on Amazon
2021 International Tournament – Poland – (short video)
The WTKF organization is holding their annual youth and adult level 2021 Wratislavia Cup in Poland March 18-21, 2021. For most of us, it is a bit expensive and faraway to travel, and the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread. But the link below has an embedded short video [3:52] from last year’s 2020 Wratislavia Cup (video is located just below the city map). This link allows kids in our region to view a video that highlights kids of their age and rank competing against each other. Enjoy. https://www.wtkfederation.org/poland-international-tournament-of-traditional-karatedo-wratislavia-cup-2021
Shotokan Academy (Brazil)
Beyond Training – Connecting Families and Community
As a member of the AAKF and WTKF organizations, you are automatically connected to the worldwide interest in Shotokan karate with information brought to your door step! Your membership will expand your interest in karate and show you how other countries worldwide have developed and embraced a passion for Shotokan karate.
José Humberto Sensei of Brazil, 7th Dan, has been involved with Shotokan karate since the 1970s. His dojo is in Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Many of our current and former regional competitors and judges, who traveled to the international WTKF championships and seminars, will recognize Humberto Sensei and remember how they enjoyed his Shotokan karate teachings and wisdom.
Karate is more than just learning techniques and achieving black belt status. Follow the link to the magazine article that reveals how Humberto Sensei’s Shotokan Academy forms “Champions and Citizens of Good”. Humberto Sensei has applied the philosophical principles inherent in Shotokan Karate to connect family, schools, community, and expand and enhance many social programs in his community. Shotokan Academy 38 years of forming champions and citizens of good. The article states that “More than 20 thousand people have already been directly benefited by the social projects developed by it (the Shotokan Academy)”.
Humberto Sensei and his organization continue an excellent job in reaching beyond his dojo into the community to help children and families. Follow the link and you will enjoy reading an article from Humberto Sensei written in both Portuguese and English: Launch of the Karate-Dô Sport and Citizenship Project biennium – 2019/2020.
Thank you to Sensei Le Traditional Karate-Do Academy at UMN for obtaining the PDF articles.
Dojo Training and COVID-19 (update)
As of January 10, 2021, Minnesota updated the Stay Safe Guidelines. Read more. “Gym capacity remains capped at 25% but maximum capacity increases to 150. Machines and people should maintain 9 feet of distance. Classes increase to 25 people, assuming distancing can be observed. Everyone must be masked.”
Each sensei is keeping his/her students up to date on when the dojo will re-open. Governor Walz has published the December 23, 2020 Minnesota’s guidelines for group training in gyms. It is important that you verify with your sensei the exact re-opening date, training times, and COVID-19 rules. Click here to see the latest update on the MN Stay Safe Plan and restrictions guideline.
As you know, COVID-19 vaccines are now being distributed to priority locations. Visit the MN Department of Health Website to view the latest information on the inoculation schedule, click here.
2021 NCR Upcoming Calendar of Events
- NCR upcoming events
- UofM – Tentative – March 27, 2021 hosted by Traditional Karate-do Academy at University of MN club. More details to follow.
- AAKF/WTKF upcoming events
- AAKF 2021 National Championship – July 2021, Dallas, TX – Tentative. More information to follow.
- WTKF 2021 Wratislavia Cup in Poland – International Tournament March 18-21, 2021. More information.
- WTKF 2021 World Championships – October 2021, Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil. More information.
- WTKF calendar – For additional events – seminar, competition,online training
Dan Examination Testing Dates
The following are tentative dan examination dates/locations. Check with your club’s sensei for eligibility as well as dates/times that may change at the last minute.
- NCR Dan exam – 2021-TBD
- AAKF Nationals – Tentative – July 2021 Dallas, TX
If you are considering a dan rank test in the near future, you should be preparing for your exam as soon as possible and getting feedback from your club’s sensei and sempais. It takes at least 6+ months of constant training both mentally and physically to prepare for a dan exam. For yondan and above dan tests, it will take longer to prepare since you must write a thesis, present your paper, and do a kata with bunkai explanation.
Read the following documents for specific dan test requirements and eligibility:
- Test requirement – Shodan-Nidan– NCR Testing guidelines handbook.
- Eligibility – AAKF Technical Qualification Guide – Rank Promotion – requirements for all dan ranks.
- Fee – For our region, the dan test cost is $100 times the dan rank you are testing for, e.g., $100 x 2nd dan (nidan) test = $200.00.
Dan Rank Registration With AAKF and WTKF Organizations
Once you passed your dan examination, you must register your dan rank with both the AAKF and WTKF organizations. Cost is $150.00 ($50-AAKF/$100-WTKF). Make check payable to AAKF.
Complete both forms: AAKF Dan reg form. WTKF-APPLICATION-FORM.
Mail your check and forms to: MKA – St. Paul Dojo, E. 7th St., St. Paul, MN 55106.
Traditional Karate North Central Region Subscription
- Subscription: To subscribe to the NCR newsletter send an email to: subscribe@ncr-aakf.org include your name and email address with a subject line: “Request: NCR newsletter subscription” .
- Past Traditional Karate North Central Region newsletters
Art Wong – Traditional Karate North Central Region Director, Godan